Scoring & Timing Regulations - Live Ball and Dead Ball
I. Summary A. Pre-Game Meeting B. Court Arrival & Jurisdiction (3-Minute Team Warning) C. Responsibilities (Referee, Umpire #1, Umpire #2) D. Coaches/Players Meeting (Sportsmanship & Equipment) E. End-Of-Half/Game (Jurisdiction, Team Pre-Half Warning Possession) F. Rule #1: Court & Equipment G. Rule #2: Officials & Their Duties H. Rule #3: Players & Substitutes II. Situational Plays Involving Today's Rules A. 60 Second Timeout Called And They Don't Have It B. Player Shoots...Buzzer Goes Off...Player Fouled...Basket Interference C. Technical Foul On Red Team...After Time Expires...Blue Team Ahead By One D. Free Throw Push Before Ball Given To Free-Thrower E. Jump Ball Touches Non-Jumper Then Caught By Jumper III. Rule #5: Scoring & Timing Regulations A. Goal l. LIVE Ball enters basket 2. ...from above 3. ...remains in or passes through 4. ..can't be part of a throw-in 5 Score In Basket It Actually Goes Through 6. Can Be Scored Off A Jump Ball B Scoring l. Three-Point Goal 2. Two-Point Goal (inside circle, touches someone/something 3. Free-Throw (Free-Thrower's Team 4. Only Infractions (Goal-Tending, Basket Interference) 5. .3 Tenths Of A Second Goals a. Tap Only b. Clock Must Show Tenths C. Length Of A Game l. Four Quarters/8 Minutes 2. 10 Minutes Halftime (Can Be Extended) 3. Lower-Division Games D. Extra Period l. Continuation of 4th Quarter 2. Four Minutes (1/2 Time Of Lower Level) 3. Same Baskets 4. One Additional Timeout 5. No Limit Of Number Of Extra Periods 6. Once Ball Becomes Live In Extra Period...It Must Be Played Even If Scoring Error Is Discovered - Error Can Be Correct, However 7. Starts With Jump Ball That Determines Alternating E. Quarter/Overtime Begin/End l. Starts - Ball Becomes Alive 2. Ends - Sound Indicates Time Has Expired a. Exception: Ball In Flight For Goal 3. Fouls/Violations Stay In Current Quarter 4. Held Ball Goes To Next Quarter IF Can't Be Stopped 5. Free-Throws Not Attempted If No Affect On Game 6. Technical Fouls a. If Between.- Go To Next Quarter b. If Between Extra Periods - Depends F. Clock Stops 1. Official's Whistle 2. Injured Player 3. Delays 4. Player/Head Coach Oral or Visual Time Out Signal a. Anticipate b. Once You Hear/See...Then It Happened c. Must Be At Disposal of Own Team d. Ball Is Dead G Clock Starts 1. Official Signals a Jump Ball - Ball Tapped b. Free Throw - Ball Touches Player On Court c. Out-Of-Bounds - Ball Touches Player On Court After.... H. Timing Mistakes l. Referee Only 2. Information: Visual Clock, Referee Count, Other I. Time-Outs l. Three 60's/ Two 30's 2. Official Scorebook 3. EACH Extra Period - Additional 60 Second Time Out 4. Time Out Bench Location 5. :15 Warning 6. CANOT Be Reduced In Length Unless Both Are Ready 7. On Court Entertainment for :30 Timeout 8. If Team Calls Wrong type Of Timeout Because Of Remaining 9. Penalties 10. No Time Out: Eye Glass, Short-Term Injury 11. Time Out At Start Of Game 12. Extra Time Out Before Extra Period Begins 13. Excessive Tim Outs: Granted And Penalized 14. Successive Time outs Not Permitted: Game/Extra Period End 15. Two Teams Call Time Out Or Injury Timeout To Keep Player:: Both Charged (60 Second If One Has It) IV. Live Ball and Dead Ball A. Ball Becomes Live l. Jump Ball Leaves Officials Hands 2. Throw In Ball Is At Disposal Of Free-Thrower 3. Free Throw Ball Is At Disposal Of Thrower B. Ball Becomes Dead l. A Goal 2. First Free-Throw or Technical Foul Free Throw Not Successful 3. Held Ball 4. Free-Throw Violation By Thrower's Team 5. Official's Whistle a. Personal Foul (Exception) b. Player-Control or Team-Control Foul (Exception) Violation 6.. Time Expires/Horn Sounds (Exception) 7. Exception: Ball In Flight OR Player Returns To Floor l. Multiple Situations C. Tap vs. Try l. Definition 2. When Does Try Begin? Comes To Rest In Player's Hand D. Legal Touching On A Shot l. Fingertips On Shot 2. Time Expires E. Start Of Game/Quarter/Extra Period l. Game: Jump Ball 2. Quarter/Half: Alternating possession 3. Extra Period: Jump Ball F. Jump Ball Administration l. Jumpers Must Have Both Feet Inside Their Half 2. Don't Have To Jump Unless Ball Not Touched First Time 3. When Official Is Ready... a. Non-jumpers cannot move onto circle b. Non-jumpers cannot change position 4. Non-jumpers cannot cross feet 5. Non-jumpers from same team cannot have adjacent positions 6. Non-jumpers must be three-feet from circle if not on it 7. Toss At A Greater Height Than Either Can Jump 8. Re-Toss The Jump Ball a. Bad Toss b. Ball Hits Floor Without Touching Anyone 9. Non-jumpers cannot move on or around once the ball is tossed until it's touched by a jumper 10. Neither Jumper Can a. Touch Ball Before It Reaches Highest Point b. Leave The Center Until Ball Has Been Touched c. Catch The Ball d. Touch The Ball MORE Than Twice Until..... a. Ball Touches Non-Jumper b. Ball Touches Official c. Ball Touches Floor d. Ball touches Basket/Backboard V. Alternating Possession A. Initial Alternating l. Established By Jump Ball, Out-Of-Bounds 2. Center Line Opposite Bench (Start Of All Quarters) B. Scorer Keeps Arrow C. Subsequent Alternating - Nearest Point l. Held Ball 2. Can't Determine Who Last Touched 3. Simultaneous Violations (Floor or Free-Throw) 4. Ball Lodges On Backboard (Unless Subsequent Free-Throws) D. NOTE: Jump Ball, No-One Touches, Same Two Jumper E. Arrow Reversed When Throw-In Ends (Touches Another Player or Thrower-Team Violation l Fouls Don't Affect 2. Defensive Team Violations Don't Affect Comments are closed.
AuthorRandy Blum - Virtual Travel Provider. Archives
January 2022