Technical Fouls & Two-Person Mechanics
I Rule #10: Technical Fouls & Penalties Note #1: A Single Technical Foul Results In Two Free Throws, No One On The Line, Both Shots By Any Player In The Scorebook, Ball Out-Of-Bounds At Mid-Court Opposite Bench. Note #2: Second Technical Foul Or Any Flagrant Technical Foul Results In Ejection, Removal From The Court (Coach Only), Two Free Throws, No One On The Line, Both Shots By Any Player In The Scorebook, Ball Out-Of- Bounds At Mid-Court Opposite Bench. Note #3: All Technical Fouls Add To Player And/Or Team Totals With Regard To 5-Foul Player Maximum And Bonus Free Throw Attempts A. Administrative Technical l. Scorebook (No Names & Numbers 10 Minutes Prior To Game) 2. Scorebook (No Starters 10 Minutes Prior To Game) 3. Scorebook (Change or Add Name/Number After 10 Minute Mark) 4. Scorebook (Duplicate Numbers) PENALTY: One Team Technical (For ENTIRE GAME!); Not Charged To Head Coach - Added To Team Total Fouls B. Team Technical 1. Use A Megaphone/Electronics To Communicate With Players On Court 2. Use Audio or Video Device To Evaluate Official's Decision 3. Not Ready To Start Either Half 4. Delay The Game Intentionally 5. A Second 'Delay Of Game Warning' 6. Have More Than 5 Players Participating Simultaneously 7. Request An Excess Time Out 8. Commit An Unsporting Foul PENALTY: One Team Technical; Not Charged To Head Coach C. Substitute Technical l. Enters The Court Without Being Beckoned PENALTY: One Team Technical: Not Charged To Head Coach D. Player Technical 1. Deceitfully Delay Returning To Floor After Being Out-Of-Bounds 2. Grasp Either Basket At Any Time (Exception: Prevent Injury During Dunk) 3. Intentionally Slapping Or Striking The Backboard Causing Ring To Vibrate While A Try Is In Flight Or Within Cyclinder Above Basket 4. While In Possession, Failing To Pass The Ball Directly To Official When The Whistle Sounds 5. Disrespectfully Address official Or Gesture Resentment 6. Bait Or Taunt Opponent 7. Purposely Obstruct An Opponent's Vising By Placing Hands Near Eyes 8. Climb Or Lift Teammate To Extra Height 9. Fake Being Fouled 10. Knowingly Attempt A Free-Throw Which Is Not Theirs 11. Knowingly Accept A Foul Which Is Not Theirs 12. Remove The Jersey Or Pants Within Visual Confiines Of Playing Area 13. Leave The Playing Court For An Unauthorized Reason To Demonstrate Resentment, Disgust or Intimidation 14. Intentionally Or Flagrantly Contacting An Opponent When The Ball Is Dead 15. Commit Goaltending During A Free-Throw 16. Touch The Ball Held By An Opponent For A Throw-In PENALTY: One Player Technical; Not Charged To Head Coach; E. Bench Technical (Bench Personnel & Coaches) 1. Disrespectfully Addressing An. Official 2. Attempting To Influence An Official's Decision 3. Using Profane Or Inappropriate Language Or Obscene Gestures 4. Disrespectfully Addressing, Baiting Or Taunting An Opponent 5. Objecting To An Official's Decision By Rising From The Bench Or Using Gestures 6 Inciting Undesirable Crowd Reactions 7. Being Charged With Fighting 8. Removing Jersey or Pants Within Visual Confines Of Playing Area 9. Grasp Either Basket, Dunk, Or Attempt To Dunk During Dead. Ball PENALTY: One Coach/ Player Technical; Also Charged Indirectly To Head Coach Unless Technical Is On Head Coach - Then Direct Technical To Head Coach F. Head Coach Direct Technical 1. Violate The Coaching Box a. Must Remain Within The 28-Foot Box b. Behavior Must Only Include Coaching Team 2. Enter The Court For An Injured Player Without Being Beckoned 3. Argue A Call After Entering The Floor For An Injured Player 4. Replace Or Remove Disqualified/Injured Player Within 15 Seconds. 5. Permit A Team Member To Participate After Being Disqualified G. Flagrant Technical Foul 1. Be Charged With Fighting (Only One Technical Foul) 2. Strike An Opponent Flagrantly 3. Receive A Second Technical Foul 4. Leave The Confines Of The Bench Prior To Or During A Fight (Exception: Coaches; Flagrant Foul To Each Offender, Indirect To Head Coach, Direct To Head Coach Involved, Only One Technical Foul Administered)) II. Two-Person Officiating A. Mechanics, Positioning, Coverage 1. Pre-Game 2. Jump-Ball 3. Playing Action 4. Fouls & Reporting 5. Free-Throws 6. Time-Outs 7. Throw-Ins B. Game Management, Communication. & Professionalism 1. Awareness 2. Anticipation 3. Action & Attitude Rule #9: Violations & Rule #10: Fouls
I. Rule #9: Violations (cont.) A. 10-Second Continuous Team Control In Backcourt (PENALTY) B. Over-And-Back (PENALTY) 1. Ball Location a. Ball Touching Floor; Ball Touching Player b. Ball In Flight: Status Same As Last Touched (Player or Floor) c. Frontcourt: If Both Player And Ball; Catch vs. Dribble 2. 'Last To Touch'; 'First To Touch' C. Closely Guarded' 5-Seconds (PENALTY) 1. 'Closely Guarded' a. In Front Court Only b. Offensive Player In Control (Holding or Dribbling) c. Defensive Player In Legal Guarding Position d. Within Six Feet Of Dribbler e. Continuous (Switching) f. Combination Holding and Dribbling 2. Not Started Or Continued During An Interrupted Dribble D. Basket Interference (PENALTY) 1. Requirements a. Touches Ball Or Any Parts Of Basket (Including Net) b. While Ball Is Within Imaginary Cylinder (Exception: Dunk) c. Touches Ball Outside Cylinder While Reaching Through Basket From Below ( d. Pulls Down Movable Ring So That It Contacts The Ball Before It Returns To Original Position 2. MULTIPLE PENALTY OPTIONS a. Offensive Team b. Defensive Team c. Both Teams d. Designated Throw-In Spot E. Goal Tending 1. Requirements: a. Touches Ball During Field-Goal During Try To Tap b. While Ball Is In Downward Flight c. Entirely Above The Basket Or Ring d. Has Possibility Of Going In 2. MULTIPLE PENALTY OPTIONS a. Offensive Team b. Defensive Team c. Both Teams d. Designated Throw-In Spot F. Excessive Swinging of Arms/Elbows (PENALTY) 1. Intentional and Excessive Swinging Back And Forth 2. Does Not Include a. Just Extending Arms/Elbows b. Natural Pivoting c. Releasing Ball d. Moving In To Recover Loose Ball 3 Actual Contact Below The Chin Is A Personal Foul 4. Actual Contact At Or Above Chin Is An Intentional Foul II. Rule #10: Fouls And Penalties A. Personal Fouls l. Hold, Push, Charge, Trip, Kick, Impede Progress Of An Opponent With Feet, Legs, Arms, shoulders, hips, knees, or Body a. Dribbler b. Screener c. Rebound d. Loose Ball 2. Contact An Opponent With The Hand (Unless Hand-To-Hand On The Ball 3. Place A Forearm or Two Hands Or Keep A Single Hand On An Opponent At Any Time 4. Contact A Dribbler With The Hand More Than Once During The Same Guarding Situation 5. Dribbler May Not Cause Contact By Charging (Running Into) An Opponent Who Is In Legal Guarding Position (Head & Shoulders) 6. Dribbler May Not Attempt To Drive Between Two Opponents Who Are In Legal Guarding Position (Head & Shoulders) 7. Dribbler In A Straight Path May Not Crowd Out An Opponent To Either Side 8. An Offensive Player Is Not Allowed Additional Rights Beyond A Defensive Player With Regard To Contact PENALTY: Foul Charge To Player & Team Total. Ball Either Awarded Out-Of-Bounds Or Opponent Fouled Given 1+1, 2, or 3 Free Throws Depending On Foul Totals And Whether Player Was Attempting A Goal B. Non-Personal & Situational Fouls 1. Try-For-Goal Foul 2. Player Control Foul 3. Offensive Foul 4. Rebound Foul 5. Intentional Foul 6. Loose-Ball Foul 7. Throw-In Foul 8. Screening Foul 9. Simultaneous Foul 10. Double Foul 11. Multiple Foul C. Technical Fouls Note #1: A Single Technical Foul Results In Two Free Throws, No One On The Line, Both Shots By Any Player In The Scorebook, Ball Out-Of-Bounds At Mid-Court Opposite Bench. Note #2: Second Technical Foul Or Any Flagrant Technical Foul Results In Ejection, Removal From The Court (Coach Only), Two Free Throws, No One On The Line, Both Shots By Any Player In The Scorebook, Ball Out-Of- Bounds At Mid-Court Opposite Bench. Note #3: All Technical Fouls Add To Player And/Or Team Totals With Regard To 5-Foul Player Maximum And Bonus Free Throw Attempts 1.. Administrative Technical l. Scorebook (No Names & Numbers 10 Minutes Prior To Game) b. Scorebook (No Starters 10 Minutes Prior To Game) c. Scorebook (Change or Add Name/Number After 10 Minute Mark) d. Scorebook (Duplicate Numbers) PENALTY: One Team Technical (For ENTIRE GAME!); Not Charged To Head Coach - Added To Team Total Fouls 2. Team Technical a. Use A Megaphone/Electronics To Communicate With Players On Court b. Use Audio or Video Device To Evaluate Official's Decision c. Not Ready To Start Either Half d. Delay The Game Intentionally e. A Second 'Delay Of Game Warning' a. Not Ready For Free-Throw b. Hitting Ball After Made Goal or Free Throw f. Have More Than 5 Players Participating Simultaneously g. Request An Excess Time Out h. Commit An Unsporting Foul PENALTY: One Team Technical; Not Charged To Head Coach 3. Substitute Technical l. Enters The Court Without Being Beckoned PENALTY: One Team Technical: Not Charged To Head Coach 4. Player Technical a. Deceitfully Delay Returning To Floor After Being Out-Of-Bounds b. Grasp Either Basket At Any Time (Exception: Prevent Injury During Dunk) c. Intentionally Slapping Or Striking The Backboard Causing Ring To Vibrate While A Try Is In Flight Or Within Cyclinder Above Basket d. While In Possession, Failing To Pass The Ball Directly To Official When The Whistle Sounds e. Disrespectfully Address official Or Gesture Resentment f. Bait Or Taunt Opponent g. Purposely Obstruct An Opponent's Vising By Placing Hands Near Eyes h. Climb Or Lift Teammate To Extra Height i. Fake Being Fouled j. Knowingly Attempt A Free-Throw Which Is Not Theirs k. Knowingly Accept A Foul Which Is Not Theirs l. Remove The Jersey Or Pants Within Visual Confiines Of Playing Area m. Leave The Playing Court For An Unauthorized Reason To Demonstrate Resentment, Disgust or Intimidation n. Intentionally Or Flagrantly Contacting An Opponent When The Ball Is Dead o. Commit Goaltending During A Free-Throw p. Touch The Ball Held By An Opponent For A Throw-In PENALTY: One Player Technical; Not Charged To Head Coach; 5. Bench Technical (Bench Personnel & Coaches) a. Disrespectfully Addressing An. Official b. Attempting To Influence An Official's Decision c. Using Profane Or Inappropriate Language Or Obscene Gestures d. Disrespectfully Addressing, Baiting Or Taunting An Opponent e. Objecting To An Official's Decision By Rising From The Bench Or Using Gestures f. Inciting Undesirable Crowd Reactions g. Being Charged With Fighting h. Removing Jersey or Pants Within Visual Confines Of Playing Area i. Grasp Either Basket, Dunk, Or Attempt To Dunk During Dead. Ball PENALTY: One Coach/ Player Technical; Also Charged Indirectly To Head Coach Unless Technical Is On Head Coach - Then Direct Technical To Head Coach 6. Head Coach Direct Technical a. Violate The Coaching Box a. Must Remain Within The 28-Foot Box b. Behavior Must Only Include Coaching Team n. Enter The Court For An Injured Player Without Being Beckoned c. Argue A Call After Entering The Floor For An Injured Player d. Replace Or Remove Disqualified/Injured Player Within 15 Seconds. e. Permit A Team Member To Participate After Being Disqualified 7. Flagrant Technical Foul a. Be Charged With Fighting (Only One Technical Foul) b. Strike An Opponent Flagrantly c. Receive A Second Technical Foul d. Leave The Confines Of The Bench Prior To Or During A Fight (Exception: Coaches; Flagrant Foul To Each Offender, Indirect To Head Coach, Direct To Head Coach Involved, Only One Technical Foul Administered)) I Scoring & Timing Regulations - Live Ball and Dead Ball
I. Situational Plays Involving Today's Rules A. 60 Second Timeout Called And They Don't Have It B. Player Shoots...Buzzer Goes Off...Player Fouled...Basket Interference C. Technical Foul On Red Team...After Time Expires...Blue Team Ahead By One D. Free Throw Push Before Ball Given To Free-Thrower E. Jump Ball Touches Non-Jumper Then Caught By Jumper II. Alternating Possession A. Initial Alternating l. Established By Jump Ball, Out-Of-Bounds 2. Center Line Opposite Bench (Start Of All Quarters) B. Scorer Keeps Arrow C. Subsequent Alternating - Nearest Point l. Held Ball 2. Can't Determine Who Last Touched 3. Simultaneous Violations (Floor or Free-Throw) 4. Ball Lodges On Backboard (Unless Subsequent Free-Throws) D. NOTE: Jump Ball, No-One Touches, Same Two Jumper E. Arrow Reversed When Throw-In Ends (Touches Another Player or Thrower-Team Violation l Fouls Don't Affect 2. Defensive Team Violations Don't Affect III. Out-Of-Bounds & Throw In (Rule 7) A. Ball Is Out Of Bounds: 1. Touches A Player Who Is Out-Of-Bounds 2. Touches Any Person, The Floor, Or Any Object Out-Of- Bounds 3. Touches The Supports Or Back Of The Backboard 4. Touches The Ceiling, Overhead Equipment Or Supports 5. Passes Over A Rectangular Backboard B. Ball Is Caused To Go Out Of Bounds 1. By Last Player To Contact The Ball Inbounds 2. By Player Who Contacts The Ball While Out-Of-Bounds C. Simultaneous Or 'No-Sure' Out-Of-Bounds 1. Alternating Possession 2. No Alternating Established - Jump Ball Between Two Involved D. Ball Awarded Out-Of-Bounds 1. Violations & Fouls Section 2. Successful Field-Goal or Free-Throw 3. Ball Becomes Dead When Ball While Team In Control E. Resumption-Of-Play Procedure F. Designated Out-Of-Bounds Spot 1. Nearest To Successful Goal Or Free Throw 2. Nearest Where Ball Become Dead 3. Nearest Point-Of-Interruption 4. Nearest Where Foul Occurred 5. At Division Line 6. Underneath the Backboard/Basket G. Throw-In After Successful Goal Or Free Throw 1. Any player 2. Can pass along baseline 3. Maintains right on time-out or violation H. Throw-In Administration l. Designated Spot: Official Hands Or Bounces (Live Ball Now) 2. Designated Spot Movement (Live Ball Now) 3. After Successful Goal or Free-Throw: At Disposal Of Thrower-In 4. Throw-In Regluations a. Designated Spot Movement b. Touch Player On Court c. Completed Within 5 Seconds d. Cannot Bounce On Floor Out-Of-Bounds e. Non-Player Cannot Have Hands Across Boundary f. Adjacent Positions on Line g. Throw By Wrong Team? Before Throw In Ends a. Touches Player On Court b. Touches Player Out-Of-Bounds c. Throw-In Team Commits Violation IVIV. Free Throw (Rule 8) A. Administration l. All Players Arrive 2. One Team Does Not Arrive B. If Technical Foul - No Players Line-Up C. Free-Throw Regulations l. Marked Lane Space a. Offensive: Must Have Only Two; On First Spaces b. Defensive: MAY Have Four; In Other Spaces c. Lane Spaces Not Occupied MUST Remain Unoccupied d. Only One Player Allowed In Any Given Space e. All Other Players Behind Free Throw Line & 3Pt Line 2. Proper Free-Throw Shooter a. Personal Foul: Person Fouled Or Player's Substitute b. Technical Foul: Anyone On The Opponent's Team As Identified By Coach 3. Ten-Second Time-Limit Till Release V. Two-Person Mechanics Scoring & Timing Regulations - Live Ball and Dead Ball
I. Housekeeping
II. Situational Plays Involving Today's Rules A. 60 Second Timeout Called And They Don't Have It B. Player Shoots...Buzzer Goes Off...Player Fouled...Basket Interference C. Technical Foul On Red Team...After Time Expires...Blue Team Ahead By One D. Free Throw Push Before Ball Given To Free-Thrower E. Jump Ball Touches Non-Jumper Then Caught By Jumper III. Alternating Possession A. Initial Alternating l. Established By Jump Ball, Out-Of-Bounds 2. Center Line Opposite Bench (Start Of All Quarters) B. Scorer Keeps Arrow C. Subsequent Alternating - Nearest Point l. Held Ball 2. Can't Determine Who Last Touched 3. Simultaneous Violations (Floor or Free-Throw) 4. Ball Lodges On Backboard (Unless Subsequent Free-Throws) D. NOTE: Jump Ball, No-One Touches, Same Two Jumper E. Arrow Reversed When Throw-In Ends (Touches Another Player or Thrower-Team Violation l Fouls Don't Affect 2. Defensive Team Violations Don't Affect IV. Out-Of-Bounds & Throw In (Rule 7) A. Ball Is Out Of Bounds: 1. Touches A Player Who Is Out-Of-Bounds 2. Touches Any Person, The Floor, Or Any Object Out-Of- Bounds 3. Touches The Supports Or Back Of The Backboard 4. Touches The Ceiling, Overhead Equipment Or Supports 5. Passes Over A Rectangular Backboard B. Ball Is Caused To Go Out Of Bounds 1. By Last Player To Contact The Ball Inbounds 2. By Player Who Contacts The Ball While Out-Of-Bounds C. Simultaneous Or 'No-Sure' Out-Of-Bounds 1. Alternating Possession 2. No Alternating Established - Jump Ball Between Two Involved D. Ball Awarded Out-Of-Bounds 1. Violations & Fouls Section 2. Successful Field-Goal or Free-Throw 3. Ball Becomes Dead When Ball While Team In Control E. Resumption-Of-Play Procedure F. Designated Out-Of-Bounds Spot 1. Nearest To Successful Goal Or Free Throw 2. Nearest Where Ball Become Dead 3. Nearest Point-Of-Interruption 4. Nearest Where Foul Occurred 5. At Division Line 6. Underneath the Backboard/Basket G. Throw-In After Successful Goal Or Free Throw 1. Any player 2. Can pass along baseline 3. Maintains right on time-out or violation H. Throw-In Administration l. Designated Spot: Official Hands Or Bounces (Live Ball Now) 2. Designated Spot Movement (Live Ball Now) 3. After Successful Goal or Free-Throw: At Disposal Of Thrower-In 4. Throw-In Regluations a. Designated Spot Movement b. Touch Player On Court c. Completed Within 5 Seconds d. Cannot Bounce On Floor Out-Of-Bounds e. Non-Player Cannot Have Hands Across Boundary f. Adjacent Positions on Line g. Throw By Wrong Team? Before Throw In Ends a. Touches Player On Court b. Touches Player Out-Of-Bounds c. Throw-In Team Commits Violation V. Free Throw (Rule 8) A. Administration l. All Players Arrive 2. One Team Does Not Arrive B. If Technical Foul - No Players Line-Up C. Free-Throw Regulations l. Marked Lane Space a. Offensive: Must Have Only Two; On First Spaces b. Defensive: MAY Have Four; In Other Spaces c. Lane Spaces Not Occupied MUST Remain Unoccupied d. Only One Player Allowed In Any Given Space e. All Other Players Behind Free Throw Line & 3Pt Line 2. Proper Free-Throw Shooter a. Personal Foul: Person Fouled Or Player's Substitute b. Technical Foul: Anyone On The Opponent's Team As Identified By Coach 3. Ten-Second Time-Limit Till Release VI. Two-Person Mechanics VII. Homework A. Rule #9: Violations & Penalties Randall Blum is a Dallas, Texas-based consultant who helps companies design their workplaces with millennial employees in mind. Active in the Amateur Athletic Union, Randall (Randy) Blum follows sports in his free time and enjoys collegiate and professional baseball.
One of Randall Blum's favorite stories of Major League Baseball in 2021 was the Atlanta Braves rise as contenders. Lacking recognized aces on the mound and star offensive threat Ronald Acuna Jr. out with an injury, the Braves made it to the postseason with only 88 wins. Led by manager Brian Snitker, the Braves' Freddie Freeman was their most recognized veteran, backed by emerging talent such as Dansby Swanson and Jorge Soler. The scrappy team, lacking a consistent pitching roster, clawed its way up step by step, rising from a sub .500 record in early August to a playoff berth. From the outset of the postseason, the Braves faced additional hurdles, including Soler’s positive test for the coronavirus and a broken leg by starting pitcher Charlie Morton in the first game of the World Series. After tense duels with Houston in the first five games of the World Series, the decisive Game Six was in many ways a culmination of the Braves' accomplishments. En route to a 7-0 victory, Freeman, Soler, and Swanson contributed home runs while starting pitcher Max Fried was dominant on the mound, notching six strikeouts in six shutout innings. As Freddie Freeman described it after the championship victory, the 2021 Braves “hit every pothole, every bump you could hit this year” but somehow found a way to win their fourth World Series, the first since 1995. Scoring & Timing Regulations - Live Ball and Dead Ball
I. Summary A. Pre-Game Meeting B. Court Arrival & Jurisdiction (3-Minute Team Warning) C. Responsibilities (Referee, Umpire #1, Umpire #2) D. Coaches/Players Meeting (Sportsmanship & Equipment) E. End-Of-Half/Game (Jurisdiction, Team Pre-Half Warning Possession) F. Rule #1: Court & Equipment G. Rule #2: Officials & Their Duties H. Rule #3: Players & Substitutes II. Situational Plays Involving Today's Rules A. 60 Second Timeout Called And They Don't Have It B. Player Shoots...Buzzer Goes Off...Player Fouled...Basket Interference C. Technical Foul On Red Team...After Time Expires...Blue Team Ahead By One D. Free Throw Push Before Ball Given To Free-Thrower E. Jump Ball Touches Non-Jumper Then Caught By Jumper III. Rule #5: Scoring & Timing Regulations A. Goal l. LIVE Ball enters basket 2. ...from above 3. ...remains in or passes through 4. ..can't be part of a throw-in 5 Score In Basket It Actually Goes Through 6. Can Be Scored Off A Jump Ball B Scoring l. Three-Point Goal 2. Two-Point Goal (inside circle, touches someone/something 3. Free-Throw (Free-Thrower's Team 4. Only Infractions (Goal-Tending, Basket Interference) 5. .3 Tenths Of A Second Goals a. Tap Only b. Clock Must Show Tenths C. Length Of A Game l. Four Quarters/8 Minutes 2. 10 Minutes Halftime (Can Be Extended) 3. Lower-Division Games D. Extra Period l. Continuation of 4th Quarter 2. Four Minutes (1/2 Time Of Lower Level) 3. Same Baskets 4. One Additional Timeout 5. No Limit Of Number Of Extra Periods 6. Once Ball Becomes Live In Extra Period...It Must Be Played Even If Scoring Error Is Discovered - Error Can Be Correct, However 7. Starts With Jump Ball That Determines Alternating E. Quarter/Overtime Begin/End l. Starts - Ball Becomes Alive 2. Ends - Sound Indicates Time Has Expired a. Exception: Ball In Flight For Goal 3. Fouls/Violations Stay In Current Quarter 4. Held Ball Goes To Next Quarter IF Can't Be Stopped 5. Free-Throws Not Attempted If No Affect On Game 6. Technical Fouls a. If Between.- Go To Next Quarter b. If Between Extra Periods - Depends F. Clock Stops 1. Official's Whistle 2. Injured Player 3. Delays 4. Player/Head Coach Oral or Visual Time Out Signal a. Anticipate b. Once You Hear/See...Then It Happened c. Must Be At Disposal of Own Team d. Ball Is Dead G Clock Starts 1. Official Signals a Jump Ball - Ball Tapped b. Free Throw - Ball Touches Player On Court c. Out-Of-Bounds - Ball Touches Player On Court After.... H. Timing Mistakes l. Referee Only 2. Information: Visual Clock, Referee Count, Other I. Time-Outs l. Three 60's/ Two 30's 2. Official Scorebook 3. EACH Extra Period - Additional 60 Second Time Out 4. Time Out Bench Location 5. :15 Warning 6. CANOT Be Reduced In Length Unless Both Are Ready 7. On Court Entertainment for :30 Timeout 8. If Team Calls Wrong type Of Timeout Because Of Remaining 9. Penalties 10. No Time Out: Eye Glass, Short-Term Injury 11. Time Out At Start Of Game 12. Extra Time Out Before Extra Period Begins 13. Excessive Tim Outs: Granted And Penalized 14. Successive Time outs Not Permitted: Game/Extra Period End 15. Two Teams Call Time Out Or Injury Timeout To Keep Player:: Both Charged (60 Second If One Has It) IV. Live Ball and Dead Ball A. Ball Becomes Live l. Jump Ball Leaves Officials Hands 2. Throw In Ball Is At Disposal Of Free-Thrower 3. Free Throw Ball Is At Disposal Of Thrower B. Ball Becomes Dead l. A Goal 2. First Free-Throw or Technical Foul Free Throw Not Successful 3. Held Ball 4. Free-Throw Violation By Thrower's Team 5. Official's Whistle a. Personal Foul (Exception) b. Player-Control or Team-Control Foul (Exception) Violation 6.. Time Expires/Horn Sounds (Exception) 7. Exception: Ball In Flight OR Player Returns To Floor l. Multiple Situations C. Tap vs. Try l. Definition 2. When Does Try Begin? Comes To Rest In Player's Hand D. Legal Touching On A Shot l. Fingertips On Shot 2. Time Expires E. Start Of Game/Quarter/Extra Period l. Game: Jump Ball 2. Quarter/Half: Alternating possession 3. Extra Period: Jump Ball F. Jump Ball Administration l. Jumpers Must Have Both Feet Inside Their Half 2. Don't Have To Jump Unless Ball Not Touched First Time 3. When Official Is Ready... a. Non-jumpers cannot move onto circle b. Non-jumpers cannot change position 4. Non-jumpers cannot cross feet 5. Non-jumpers from same team cannot have adjacent positions 6. Non-jumpers must be three-feet from circle if not on it 7. Toss At A Greater Height Than Either Can Jump 8. Re-Toss The Jump Ball a. Bad Toss b. Ball Hits Floor Without Touching Anyone 9. Non-jumpers cannot move on or around once the ball is tossed until it's touched by a jumper 10. Neither Jumper Can a. Touch Ball Before It Reaches Highest Point b. Leave The Center Until Ball Has Been Touched c. Catch The Ball d. Touch The Ball MORE Than Twice Until..... a. Ball Touches Non-Jumper b. Ball Touches Official c. Ball Touches Floor d. Ball touches Basket/Backboard V. Alternating Possession A. Initial Alternating l. Established By Jump Ball, Out-Of-Bounds 2. Center Line Opposite Bench (Start Of All Quarters) B. Scorer Keeps Arrow C. Subsequent Alternating - Nearest Point l. Held Ball 2. Can't Determine Who Last Touched 3. Simultaneous Violations (Floor or Free-Throw) 4. Ball Lodges On Backboard (Unless Subsequent Free-Throws) D. NOTE: Jump Ball, No-One Touches, Same Two Jumper E. Arrow Reversed When Throw-In Ends (Touches Another Player or Thrower-Team Violation l Fouls Don't Affect 2. Defensive Team Violations Don't Affect Court & Equipment - Officials & Duties - Players & Substitutes
I. Three Rules Topics A. Rule #1: Court & Equipment B. Rule #2: Officials & Duties C. Rule #3: Players & Substitutes II. Four Key Factors To Consider
III. Professionalism & Positioning & Game Management A. Pre-Game Meeting B. Court Arrival & Jurisdiction (3-Minute Team Warning) l. First-Impression 2. Non-Verbal Communication & Verbal Communication C. Responsibilities (Referee, Umpire #1, Umpire #2) l. Scorer's Book (Arrow, Problems, Game Ball) 2. Timer (Scoreboard, Timeouts, Bonus & Halftme Warning) 3. Announcer 4. Court (Cheerleaders, Fans, Obstructions, Media, Noise Makers & Signs, Lines, Replay) D. Player/Fan Interaction E. Coaches/Players Meeting (Sportsmanship & Equipment) F. End-Of-Half/Game (Jurisdiction, Team Pre-Half Warning Possession) IV. Rule #1: Court & Equipment A. Out-Of-Bound Lines, Division Line, Restraining Center, 3 Pt. Arc, Free Throw Line/Lanes B. Backboards (Rectangle/Fan-Shaped) C. Baskets (Ring & Net/Cord) D. Team Bench & Coaching Box (28' From Endline) V. Rule #2: Officials & Their Duties A. Uniforms B. Spectators C. Pre-Game Warmup (Full Court?) D. Concussion Management E. Correctable Officials Errors F. Scoring & Timing Mimstakes G. Time-Out(4) Reporting H. Official Disagreement I. Final Shot/Horn VI. Rule #3: Players & Substitutes (and Equipment) A. 10 Minutes: Rosters, Starters, Numbers B. 1 Total Technical Foul (1) Change Starter (Exception: Injury, Equipment, Blood) (2) Change Number (3) Add Player (4) Change Identical Numbers C. Substitutes (1) Must Report Prior To Entry (2) 15 Seconds Prior To Timeout/Quarter/Halftime Ends (3) Before FINAL Free Throw (4) Exception: Disqualified, Injured, Blood) (5) Can't Replace Freee-Thrower (Except Technical) (6) Can't Re-Enter Until Clock Starts (7) Injured/Blood Player w/Coach Beckon, Replace, Timeout & Re-Entry (8) Illegal Substitute Becomes Player Once Clock Starts D. Uniforms & Equipment (1) Tucked In (2) Hard Cast (Elbow Down); Other (No Sharp Edges) (3) Jewelry (None) The Randall Blum Ref Academy is a program designed to recruit, train, and mentor young officials for all high school levels. The Academy is underway this fall (beginning the Week of September 23) focusing on the sport of basketball. The Academy will provide a solid foundation on the role of the official, game rules, proper mechanics, risk avoidance, game management, positive communication, and tips for advancing an officiating career.
A new official can pre-register at www.randallblumrefacademy OR just show up at one of the seminars the first week. The program will last seven weeks and then the young recruits will be provided with lower-level games at various schools to begin their careers and earn immediate income. As president and CEO of a Dallas, Texas-based consulting firm, Randall "Randy" Blum provides a range of services to Fortune 500 corporations, including mid-level manager training and advice to boost millennial employee productivity. When he isn't working, Randall 'Randy' Blum enjoys following Major League Baseball (MLB).
The 2021 MLB World Series began on October 26, and commissioner Rob Manfred celebrated the occasion by awarding Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim two-way star Shohei Ohtani with the Commissioner's Historic Achievement Award. The 27-year-old Japanese pitcher and designated hitter is only the 16th recipient of the award since its creation in 1998, and the first since 2014, when it was given to broadcaster Vin Scully and New York Yankees player Derek Jeter. Other recipients include Ichiro Suzuki, Ken Griffey, Jr., and Barry Bonds. Although the Angels failed to make the playoffs, Ohtani was one of the most impactful players in the league. He's the favorite to win the American League (AL) MVP and was the MLB's first two-way star in more than 100 years. As a hitter, Ohtani recorded 46 home runs, 100 RBI, and a .257 batting average. He also led the MLB in triples (eight) and intentional walks (20). The former AL Rookie of the Year was equally successful on the mound. He posted a win-loss record of 9-2 as a pitcher. Moreover, he allowed only 98 hits and struck out 156 batters through 130 and 1/3 innings pitched. |
AuthorRandy Blum - Virtual Travel Provider. Archives
January 2022